Teen Internet Workshop is Online!

Posted below is the Teen Internet Workshop (for Parents) — that I facilitated on Wednesday night — in it’s entirety:

Big thanks again, to Tim Schmoyer, at Life In Student Ministry, for a lot of the references and framing for the content. If any of you have any more questions (I did not include the Q-and-A-time on the video), please feel free to leave a comment below and I’ll do my best to respond to the best of my knowledge.

4 thoughts on “Teen Internet Workshop is Online!

  1. kvmusic

    Looking forward to viewing this tonight…

    KEYNOTE rules 🙂

  2. Tim

    Hey man, thanks for the props! 🙂 I’ve done this seminar a couple more times now at other churches and I’ve definitely cut down and synthesized a lot of the content since the original time I did it live on ustream.tv. There’s a TON of stuff to talk about, huh?

  3. Shawn M.

    No doubt! You could spend a weekend doing a seminar like this! Thanks so much for sharing your content; it really shaped what we did here at Destiny.

  4. Clement Njoroge

    Dear Shawn,

    Thank you for your good work. I am based in Nairobi, Kenya where I teach Media studies at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and ?Technology. I also organise workshops on how to use the internet and media to communities and especially young people.

    I am now organising workshops on internet literacy targetting youth and parents in our local communities and churches during the month of August.

    It will be my pleasure i you could allow me to use some of the material you have developed while i tailor it to suite our people people. Do you have power point presentation that could of help?

    Thank you,


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