Some Health Issues

Phew!  The past few weeks have been pretty rough.  For about four weeks now, I’ve been dealing with a major headache like I’ve never experienced before.  The first time I noticed it getting really bad was coming back from the CAUS Youth Convention with our students.  I was riding back on the bus and my head hurt so bad that I could barely move.

I went to a sinus specialist first, because I’ve had breathing problems all of my life and… well… we just thought it was time.  They found out that my septum is crooked but that my sinus, adenoids, and tonsils looked all right.  He suggested that my septum is probably causing most of my sinus issues; either that or allergies, which he also tested me for (still waiting on the results).  They put me on a nasal irrigation routine that really helped me breath much better, but did nothing to help with the headaches.  In fact, they ended up getting worse.  At the recommendation of the doc, I quit the routine until my next visit with him this Tuesday. Here’s the x-ray of of my nasal cavities; the black areas are the air passageways…


Next, I went to the Community Health Center because the head pains were getting pretty unbearable.  The walk-in doctor asked me a bunch of questions, told me that he wanted me to get a cat scan to check for “further possibilities”, and put me on a prescription pain medicine until they can get something figured out.  The pain meds have taken care of the worst of the pain and made our two recent trips (to Atlanta for the NYWC and to Pierre/Gettysburg for Thanksgiving) much more pleasant. The only other bad thing… I broke out in a crazy rash, that still hasn’t totally disappeared, the day before we left for Atlanta… (groan)


It took my insurance company a while to approve the cat scan, but I’m finally going in tomorrow at 11:20 AM.  I would SO MUCH appreciate your prayers.  I’m hoping to find some answers and relief soon.

12 thoughts on “Some Health Issues

  1. Brent Parker

    Praying for you and believing for complete healing.

    1. Shawn_Michael

      great job tonight, BOSS! it was a terrific evening; loved the humor mixed in with the quality musicianship and tunes. so nice!

  2. Brian Eberly

    Just prayed for you brother.

    1. Shawn_Michael

      thanx, man… and while ur at it, can you pray that iPhone blessing on me? 😉 jk

  3. @patrickringler

    Hey man praying for you. Believing for a total healing

    1. Shawn_Michael

      thanx much, bro… I'm agreeing with u

  4. @ElliottWarshaw

    Prayers sent your way for healing and understanding in accordance with His will.

    1. Shawn_Michael

      Hey, bro. Thanx. I'm pulling on the fact that healing IS God's will! 🙂

  5. Greg

    Just prayed that things go smoothly and that it's something simple for the docs to take care of.

    1. Shawn_Michael

      Amen to that! Thanx, bro. 🙂

  6. Myron

    Shawn, We will be holding you up in Prayer to Abba! I Speak, Healt and Restoration to you in JESUS Name.

    1. Shawn_Michael

      Hey, man. Thanx so much. Ur first comment went through, too. It just takes a while because I moderate all comments from new posters.

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